Lesson on the Loo!
I feel strongly from the Lord to write about this.
While on the loo today, the Lord told me an analogy. We go to the loo everyday to expel excrement. It is vital that we do this as the toxins need to be removed out of our system. If this is not done regularly then they are reabsorbed into our systems causing damage. If left for a short time it can cause headaches and discomfort. If left for a long time then it can cause serious problems.
He wants us to know that it is the same with issues that have not been dealt with in our lives. It could be unconfessed sin or disobedience.
Jesus has paid the price for sin, once and for all, for all mankind.
So as Christians we have accepted He has done this for us and are no longer sinners. But when we slip and sin or choose to be disobedient, then we need to repent. If we don't and we leave it for a short time it causes small issues in our lives and if left for a long time, it can really cause damage.
Repentance is not something to run away from like it is something bad - no - it is something so wonderful, designed by our loving Father to keep our whole life free from toxic repercussions.
1 John 1 v 9
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Praise the Lord!!!!
Repentance is not beating ourselves over the head and falling into deep depression - no - when the Lord pin points things in our lives, let's say we are sorry (obviously mean it) and sort it out as soon as we can. Then walk on in the liberation and joy that comes with repentance. There may be consequences from our sin/disobedience but after repentance He gives us the grace to deal with that too - Hallelujah!
Philippians 4 v 13
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
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